Cybersecurity awareness – Make your employees the strong link of your cybersecurity

Cybersecurity awareness

Make your users the strong link in you information system

A 2016 study by the Aberdeen company found that by increasing employee maturity in terms of cybersecurity, the number of incidents can be reduced by 60%.


This makes the decision to improve your employees’ cybersecurity awareness an obvious one.


For nearly 15 years, Conscio Technologies has been supporting its customers in implementing cybersecurity awareness programs

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A very rich and constantly evolving catalog


It comprises a variety of courses, the purpose of which is to raise awareness of corporate information security.

Interactive videos for a better commitment of the learners.

Be the (cyber)hero of these stories.


This ready-to-use course provides your employees with the fundamentals of information security: password, information protection, phishing, the GDPR concept, cybersecurity when on the move, social engineering and physical security.


In this content, you can become your company’s cyberhero.


Through a series of 8 challenges, learners take on missions that will enable them to master various cybersecurity themes.

Funny But Serious

This consists of a series of humorous and hard-hitting short videos (1 minute each), which cover potential scenarios. Each video shows what can happen when security rules are not followed.

This accessible format effectively highlights the potential serious consequences of poor cybersecurity awareness.


These are capsules lasting 5-7 minutes each, consisting of a 2/3-minute video followed by a 2/3-minute quiz. This short, punchy format lets you deliver regular awareness campaigns which are easily remembered and have minimal impact on overloaded schedules.

The catalog of microlearning courses currently features about twenty capsules, and is being continuously enriched.


A new range of interactive videos for better learner attention and engagement. Here, multiple activities are directly integrated within the videos themselves.


A format with a particular focus on play, using the familiar dialog form of chat.

Discover the series of awareness modules in chat mode


ISAM – for Information Security Awareness Meter – is a powerful tool for assessing the maturity of a group of people in terms of cybersecurity. A survey module comprising around thirty questions, ISAM is a measuring instrument for identifying initial starting points, setting goals and measuring progress.


Masterquiz includes a hundred or so questions on various cybersecurity topics, at varying levels of difficulty. It’s the perfect resource for your quizzes to assess passive knowledge.

Phishing Test

Would you like to test how your users react to phishing in a real-world situation? This catalog of scenarios including phishing test messages, input forms and “Oops” pages, will enable you to implement phishing test campaigns.


Conscio Technologies offers a “Basic Information Security Awareness Certified” certification. The aim of this certification is to raise the profile of the developing digital security culture and acknowledge a first group of people who have distinguished themselves through their efforts. Initially, the approach will be to certify employees who have successfully completed a Conscio Technologies awareness campaign before moving on to more advanced certification levels.

The “Basic Information Security Awareness Certified” certification will be available to all users who have completed 100% of the “ISS Essentials” training course and scored at least 85% correct answers, or anyone who has completed a similar course designed and approved by that organization’s CISO.


Off-the-shelf modules you can customize to set up your awareness campaigns


Make your users the strong link of your cybersecurity


Have a look on our videos through our playing list on Youtube.